Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Make a Fortune a year with blogs?

The Power of Blogs

No doubt you will have noticed how the popularity of blogs have increased over the years. I blog myself even though I have several websites to maintain.

It is undeniable that blogs have proven, time and again to be one of greatest methods of generating a huge income from part-time work. Everyone is taking them seriously. Just look at Google and Yahoo. Even they post blogs.

Moreover, with Google experimenting with blog technology more and more, this is surely not a fad.

The Brass Ring Blog

Some Marketers Never Learn.

You don't need to build 50 or a 100 blog pages in minutes to make a fortune. In fact this is proven to be the wrong way. Those who have tried it have been banned or will get banned.

The brass ring blogging system is something different and is about longevity, sturdy foundations and focusing your attention on building rock solid authority sites.

This is what you really need build niche blog empire... worth $$$$ fortune every year?

What I want to show is something slightly different. Creating blogs in niche topics is a very easy and effective way for the beginning home business owners to see their first success.

Start within 1 Hour

If you are able to follow simple instructions in plain English, you can start your profit pulling blogs within 1 hour even if you do not yet know the difference between plugins and pings.

You will learn how to create multiple streams and get constant traffic all on auto pilot and the best is that not only will you start making money almost instantly, you will be earning in years to come, too.

You will learn about how to professionally design your blogs, about SEO techniques, about how to increase your adsense revenue, about multiple revenue streams, about linking strategies, social bookmarking and article directory submissions.

Even if you are unable to write you will learn how to generate fresh content and how to add features to attract a flood of loyal qualified customers.

A No Brainer

Anyone can do it. There is a wrong way and a brass ring way. If you want to earn from blogs, and if you want to continue earning from, them, then you need the brass ring way.

Make a Fortune a year with blogs?

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I’m writing because I happenned to buy (directly from Stephanie Mulac) the Brass Ring Blogging system, and now, I need some help. Greg Mulac refuses to honour his ‘thrilled or refund’ guarantee! It’s been a month now that I bought the system, I sent them (her) many mails. She finally replied to me when I threatened her of asking her affiliates for some advice. One of you (an affiliate) recommended me to complaint at Paypal, which I did, and then to complaint at Clickbank, which I also did. Meanwhile, I’m just contacting randomly some affiliates. Maybe it’s my problem if I feel betrayed? So please tell me what you think about it all, would you?

    I bought the package thinking it was a kind of software. It is as you know advice+adresses+content.

    But as I’m french, and as I intend to blog in French, and as I don’t have the Fantastico system.. I see no use in their system.

    Mulac just accused me of having “buyer’s regret” and decided on her own that I was not worth a refund.

    What do you think? Is it a normal “industry standart” as she says? Am I exagerating?

    And if not, do you think of any other alternative for me, appart from Clickbank (Paypal said they can’t do anything)?

    Thank you for your advice.

    Emmanuel Cuny
